
Picture of Stacey Cunningham

Stacey Cunningham

Pre-K Teacher

Photo of Lori Baker

Lori Baker

Teaching Assistant

Picture of Teena Hodges

Teena Hodges

Pre-K Teacher

Picture of Tonya McCulley

Tonya McCulley

Teaching Assistant

Beth Null

Teaching Assistant

Picture of Shayla Shoemaker

Shayla Shoemaker

Pre-K Teacher 


Picture of Kelly Sims

Kelly Sims

Teaching Assistant


Photo of Haley Houston

Haley Houston 

Teaching Assistant

Photo coming soon of Meghan Prater

Meghan Prater

Pre-K Teacher 


Photo coming soon of Pam McDowell

Pam McDowell

Teaching Assistant


Photo coming soon of Rebecca Maynard

Rebecca Maynard

Teaching Assistant